
Following the non-compliance of a contract, the defectiveness of a product, the incorrect execution of the work by a contractor, the violation of a non-compete agreement, a case of counterfeiting, a hypothesis of medical liability, a dispute arises between the parties that can have a out-of-court conciliation. Sometimes, however, the use of a judicial procedure must be recognised as the only, indispensable means of protecting the parties’ motives.

The RML Law Firm assists its Clients in the out-of-court phase of the dispute, in the drafting of cease and desist letters and all correspondence related to litigation, which must be handled in the most effective way with a view to the following judicial proceeding, as well as in the procedures of assisted negotiation, ADR and mediation.

We also provide representation in court before the judicial bodies of the first instance (Tribunal and Judge of Peace), the Court of Appeal and the Court of Cassation, both in judgments of merit and proceedings for interim measures (conservative and judicial seizures, emergency proceedings pursuant to art. 700 of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure, protective actions), injunctions and related judgments of opposition.

Thanks to our decades of experience, we have developed an important network of contacts with professionals such as legal doctors, architects, engineers, who are able to provide our Clients with the indispensable technical support both during the first evaluation of the litigation and in the subsequent technical advice.

We also assist our Clients in arbitration proceedings and in the drafting and negotiation of transactional agreements.